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OCULAR™ is an acronym for Online Content classification URL Labeling And Relegation). It is the trade name for BAJAI's patent pending Internet content classification technology and our Online Activity Alignment tools. As the core technology in our list generation robots, OCULAR™ technology is a vision based classification mechanism. Using the latest computer vision techniques, we examine the image and movie content, the relational aspects as well as the text of a web page to determine its classification.

The Internet today is comprised of many rich media types such as images, movies, audio and more. BAJAI's OCULAR™ technology classifies content using all of the available data, not just the text. It is commonly known that text-based classifiers often make absurd mistakes such as blocking the Essex County website and preventing sites such as http://www.texasexcellence from begin accessed. While lined with good intentions, it soon became obvious that text-based classification of Internet content is not sufficient. Over the years, many revisions of text-based classifiers have come and gone, offering little more than a band-aid to the grievous problems. Realizing that the a large part of the appeal of the Internet comes from its visual and dynamic aspects, BAJAI created the first classifier that takes ALL the content into consideration when making a classification.

By analyzing all the available content to make a classification, lists generated by iajaBot™ using OCCULAR technology are more accurate than conventional text-based methods. Because of the accuracy of our classifiers, it is now finally possible to have an automated classification method that is accurate, reliable and capable of classifying the Internet fast enough to keep up with new content. This means that you don't have to wait for human classifiers to "get there eventually" any more, nor do you have to wait for a "rapid response verification team" to analyze the results.

OCULAR™ will revolutionize the way with which access control lists are generated and how on-the-fly content analysis for activity alignment is done. You may have heard or read that such technology is beyond the capabilities of today's computing power... OCULAR™ technology IS the future and IS here TODAY!

Demonstrations of the speed with which BAJAI can analyze image content is proven in our REAL-TIME MPG pornographic movie filter which analyzes and filters 30 images EVERY SECOND! Not only is it fast, but it is also very accurate as you can see from the filtered image above.

(Note, that the image is meant to show the accuracy of our pornographic image analysis capabilities, and would obviously be classified as adult content and access to the image would be aligned with your current policies)

See a demonstration
